I'm not going to pressure any of us for major full sweeping success. It's a set up for failure. So, I'm going to revel in the little steps it takes to get the big stuff. Last night Spence went to sleep in an instant (no nap will do it to ya). I got out of bed and watched TV and spent some time with the hubby like a grown up! and then as the night wound down the debate was on again. Where should I sleep? With my hubby like a grown married woman? Although he wasn't quite ready for bed and we both had plugged up noses which will likely lead to snoring...... OR crawl back into bed with Spencer where I know I will fall asleep with his goodness wrapped all around me? OR sleep by myself in the computer room--- learning to fall asleep on my own again, but not having to burden or deal with the hubby / snore factor?
What happened? I was so good the first three years of his life about not sleeping with him. Teaching independence and self soothing. Now we both have trouble falling asleep without each other. I know what happened: training for a marathon, working full time, and being a mom and a wife last summer had be exhausted by 8pm and falling asleep before Spence! Him waking me up telling me I'm snoring! Imagine! You're three year old saying, "Mama, you snoring." Mama replying, "I know, baby, go to sleep. Mama's tired." and there you have it. The habit of sleeping together has begun. And still reins supreme today.
Some say, enjoy it. This stage won't last forever. Others say watch out, this could last a LONG time. The truth is I love cuddling with him and sometimes it's the only really good quiet time I get with him, but I also want the adult stuff too, even if it's just watching TV or knitting, it doesn't have to be even "too adult". The other truth is I need to be the responsible parent and start preparing him for the possibility of a brother or sister. And, I can't sleep with him all big and pregnant. It just legistically would not work.
So, baby steps. Last night he fell asleep and I got some adult time. I ultimately decide to sleep in the computer room. Small steps people. If I went to bed with him at that point it would be for me and not for him. Be the responsible parent/adult. Of course he was up at 3am looking for me and found me. We went pee and back to his bed to sleep "lots and lots." I'm fine with this. This is for him not me.
Little successes.