Let's not pretend I'm going to be consistent with this blog. And honestly no one reads it because I've told no one about it. Maybe if I'm actually consistent with it I'll share it. But honestly I've been busy with life. A friend has asked me to contribute to a blog about being a mom and a runner and being healthy. I love the idea. I really do. I love that I can put something out there but not have to necessarily put it out there every day or even every week. I'm gong to practice with this blog I think. We'll see how it turns out and how much time I have.
So the latest and greatest in the health and fitness world is that Tinkerbell is only a few days away! I'm excited at what is could be and really nervous about what it could be. The nervous part is all to do with the money and my kids and husband being there. Honestly I don't have the money for this and I did not save for it the way I was supposed to. I fucked up. The other thing is my husband is less than excited about going to another race with the kids, especially Claire. I'm also nervous about sleeping. She's not a great sleeping when you're in the same room as her so this could be a disaster for all of us. It makes me almost want to cancel the entire thing- fake an injury and give my bib to my brother in law. I'm going to work on my husband the next few days and really try to get his support turned around. And beg and hope for the best. Oh God please let this not be a $1000 disaster. please. I beg you.
In a perfect world it would be amazing and exciting with out the possible stress. But whatever happens it will be exciting! and I am looking forward to running with my sister and spending time with my kids in the Magic Kingdom.
In other fitness news I've been given the opportunity to work out with a personal trainer for at least the next 6 weeks. Remember bootcamp from the summer? Well the hubby made best friends with the owner. He's even started working a bit for him. Through all of this I have been able to stay in bootcamp for free. Yay! Now the owner is pushing his personal training. One of my BF's signed up and I get to do it with her! I'm totally happy about this. Just another fitness experience. We've been working on the treadmills and boxing (so glad I didn't lose that opportunity with personal training!). I don't have a specific goal for these 6 weeks. Generally I want to be stronger - maybe even be able to do a chin up! Weight is not so much the issue -- which is some ways makes me think then way the hell are you getting up at 4:30am and doing this! And truthfully I don't have a good answer. I want too. It's cool. I might gain strength. All good answers but not necessarily the "solid" answer I think comes with the idea of personal training. If I had to pay hundreds of dollars for it I would not being doing it. period. but for free--- I'll do it. And reep the benefits!
So that's the lastest on keeping busy in the fitness world for me. I'm going to try to work out the blogging thing more and see what comes of it. Maybe it will help me crystalize my thoughts a bit. later gater.