Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let the Dreaming Begin

Last night I dreamt I delivered the baby in one push. This was a surprise to everyone, although I don't really know who "everyone" is. And, I seemed to have to convince people that I had had the baby. I remember being excited.

I rarely remember dreams or even that I've had them. So having this one seems to mark the beginning of the dreaming. When I was pregnant with Spencer did I dream more? I think so, but don't remember for certain. What does the dream mean? Confirming I'm pregnant, trying to dissolve any last bits of denial? Foretelling an easy delivery (optimistic view)? Foretelling a tragedy I've seen all too often at work (non-optimistic view)? Reminding me that babies are exciting and hearts of hearts are excited about having a little one around again? Whatever the meaning, the dreaming has begun.

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