Friday, February 17, 2012

New Blog

So the new blog is up and running. Thank god for people with better follow through than me! I love it. I love the idea of the blog and contributing! The actual posting and managing the blog is a little above my head at the moment because it's not on "blogger" but I'm sure if I sit down and focus for a moment I could figure it out.

So the idea of the blog WillRunForChocolate is that three of us girls will regularly contribute on issues related to health and fitness, particularly running. We each have our own perspective so we should really round each other out. My first post will be a race report for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon. It was such a fun weekend all around! I'm so grateful. Look for it in just a few days.

I'm going to work on a few other posts too. I really want to comment on sleeping or lack there of for this working mom. And how we support each other and how we veiw support differently. If the afternoon stays the same maybe I can get a few drafts done. We'll see.

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